Episode 169

Imaginative Apologetics w/Holly Ordway


August 12th, 2021

31 mins 16 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Holly Ordway joins the show to share about her love of Tolkien and the importance of the imagination in our faith. She discusses with Matt and Chris how imagination is crucial for evangelization and answering questions about the faith.


Connect with Holly http://www.hollyordway.com


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Ministry Leaders Anonymous is a production of Ablaze Ministries (ablaze.us)



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Hosts: Chris Bartlett and Matt Rice

Production/Editing by ForteCatholic.com


Thanks to ALOB (http://a-lob.com/) for letting us use his song, Strong God (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/strong-god/1291068295?i=1291068305), from the album No Match for Love (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/no-match-for-love/1291068295)!

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