Episode 164
Life Cycle Part 2
July 8th, 2021
23 mins
Your Hosts
About this Episode
Matt and Chris continue their conversation from last week about the Life Cycle of a ministry. This week, they focus on the "death" stage of a ministry and what that means as well as the "growth" stage which is where most of us find our ministries.
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Hosts: Chris Bartlett and Matt Rice
Production/Editing by ForteCatholic.com
Thanks to ALOB (http://a-lob.com/) for letting us use his song, Strong God (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/strong-god/1291068295?i=1291068305), from the album No Match for Love (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/no-match-for-love/1291068295)!
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